
My Utmost Gratitude – How May I Express My Utmost Gratitude?

My Utmost Gratitude How May I Express My Utmost Gratitude?

You know, I love my association with Send Out Cards as much as I hope you value your association with what you do—especially for all it enables you to be and do: Being the person who values and appreciates others; being the one who gets to express their admiration to those around them; sharing good stuff; expressing my utmost gratitude. Making a difference in other peoples’ lives and having that inner feeling—the good time vibe that comes from spreading kindness. This is, I believe one of the true rewards of living a great life and being in business.

Most of us start out in our new adventure, our fantastic new business, full of all sorts of ideals. We want to provide the best value; the best service; to bring our uniqueness into the business world. Plus, make the best use of all those other things we believe will set us apart. In return, we hope to reap the profits, the joy and the independence, that will make it all worthwhile.    (more…)

Ron and Sue

Thankfulness – is it important to success? 8

Is Thankfulness Important to success?

I am currently reading a book all about Thankfulness. It has a simple concept, shared between several authors. All the authors are women and I suspect it was written with women as its prime audience. I am about three quarters of the way through and thoroughly enjoying every word of it. Each of them contributes to each chapter by taking look at different ways of applying thankfulness. They also look at the difference it has made in their lives and by extension how it affects our lives and outcomes.


In all of their stories, built on their real life experiences there is the compelling theme that the degree of your appreciation determines the extent to which your life works for the best. Not surprisingly, reducing our level of thanks seems to carry us in the opposite direction.

Even in the hard times, it is worthwhile seeking out some little thing to be thankful for. For it seems that this very act has a way of blossoming, bringing in some light and a more positive outlook that leads to a better outcome. Life begins to work again. (more…)

Ron and Sue

Gratitude Exercise to attract more of the good stuff 

Gratitude Exercise 

Positivity and gratitude are extolled by many as necessary attitudes and actions to attract more of the good stuff into our lives and I certainly won’t be arguing against it. However a quite a few of us need to awaken or at least re-awaken to their benefits. Especially the power of gratitude! Taking a few minutes each day and using this gratitude exercise can rouse their benefits in your life.

Try this gratitude exercise:

Step outside and take a brisk and purposeful walk. The more natural and beautiful the surroundings – the better, but a couple of city blocks can be just as useful. Don’t force your breathing, but be aware of your breath, take notice and breathe just a little fuller than usual. Do your best to be present in the moment. As you walk look for and mentally take note of the beauty that surrounds you.

gratitude exercise

Upon your return, take a moment and reflect on a couple of highlights from your walk. Now say ‘thank you’ out loud as you recall each of them. All things being equal, you should find much to be thankful for.

Now recall them all collectively and remember the essence of the way they made you feel. Once again express your thanks with an enthusiastic and heartfelt ‘thank you’. The more you can find to say ‘thank you’ for, the better. For the more things you actually do say this to – the more the grace and power of gratitude comes into your being.  Indeed, the more we have to be grateful for – the more joyous and fulfilled our lives become. I really do hope you will try this gratitude exercise.

The more you conduct this gratitude exercise the more positivity and gratitude will seep into your entire being. They certainly do bring more of the good stuff into our life.

Ron and Sue