Good Relationship Marketing starts with HELLO.

Good Relationship Marketing starts with HELLO.  

There has been a lot of buzz lately about building relationships, especially when it comes to marketing and with good reason. Economics and the wise use of our dollar being one of them, especially as some figures I saw recently suggest that it is 90% cheaper to keep a customer than it is to get a new one. Nevertheless, we need new customers to be able to keep hold of and like all of our relationships, it all starts with hello!

Strong, solid relationships also make it easier to interact with our customers and add to our own feeling of self-worth and contribution. This is by no means an undesirable result.

As a relationship marketing specialist, I am most certainly for the development and building of first rate relationships. But please do not lose track of the fact that all of your current relationships started with a ‘hello’.

Starts with HELLO

When we meet a stranger we usually lead with hello. When we’re introduced, we usually respond with hello or some version of it. Most of us, when we answer the phone habitually say hello. From a stranger to our best friend we greet with hello.

Everything worthwhile starts with Hello

Hello is the great opportunity provider! All of our friendships, all of our current relationships, all of our partnerships and all of our customers and business collaborations came into being because we said hello

So why is it that we use so much judgement and put out the barricades when a stranger approaches and says hello?

How many, of what may become fantastic opportunities are being lost because of not wanting to say hello. Or worse yet, missed out on by making it difficult for another to say hello to you?

When you’re at a networking event, remember that all of those great relationships you currently enjoy commenced with hello. It’s probably a lot more productive to say hello than it is to hide in the corner. So why not push past your inhibitions and start what may well become a great relationship.

I’ve heard many say they fear cold calling. In fact I have met some who act as though it is beneath them somehow. Once again, may I remind you—all of our current relationships commenced with hello. A cold call is just saying hello to a stranger.

Cold calling is actually – relationship building. We commence with hello and progress from there. Then more often than not we find common points of interest and this person, once a stranger is soon becoming one of our better contacts. Now we can move into the next phase of relationship marketing, that of relationship strengthening.

Yet it all starts with Hello—all our relationships—all our friendships—so don’t be afraid to say hello.

Say hello to us and let us help you with Good Relationship Marketing skills. It all starts with Hello!

Ron and Sue
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