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The Power of Gratitude in Business


The Power of Gratitude

All the big corporates have appreciation or gratitude programs; Qantas have frequent flyers, Woolworths have rewards and cents off your petrol, most of the best coffee shop chains reward you with free coffees and large franchise car washes say thanks with a freebee every sixth time. So what’s your appreciation program?

As much as we may have our gripes with these big players, maybe one of the reasons they are so big is that they understand the power of gratitude. Gratitude comes under the direction of the Law of Cause and Effect, or what you give is what you get.

Even though I often suspect their motivation is more about keeping us as a customer, rather than a genuine outpouring of thanks – it still works extremely well.

The more you can express your gratitude in a practical way – the more you get an equivalent coming back to you. In business this is usually in the form of more and better customers and more dollars in the till.

Have you wondered how you can compete with them and their grandiose schemes?

Big corporate uses reward and discount as their expression of gratitude, because for them it’s easy. However there is a more powerful way to access this law and make your customers feel even better – let them know how much you value and appreciate them and saythankyou” and mean it! Better still; put it in writing in a card!

Thank You Card


Ron and Sue

Thank You – Just Good Manners

Imagine, you have just done a favour for someone and you made it clear you didn’t want anything in return. So the person takes you at your word and doesn’t do anything, zilch, nada, nothing at all, not even a ‘thank you’. You did mean to convey that you weren’t expecting a reward, but you still would have appreciated and expected at least an acknowledgement, or a word of thanks. I guess I could say you are not real impressed!   

This little experience has ended on a sour note, when it should have been smiles all round. Please make sure you are never the cause of this yourself and ensure you always express your gratitude.

This reminds me of that add on TV for “Family Favourites” chocolates or “the thing you bring when your asked not to bring a thing.” – You know it’s the right thing to bring an unexpected something, especially if you don’t want to feel awkward and out of place.     

Don’t ever let yourself get into this position, of being the “ungrateful so and so”. Make sure you always acknowledge people and the things they do for you. More often than not a simple, spoken “Thank You” will be all that’s needed, and you can imagine the difference it would have made in our scenario above.

Like the TV add, the “perfect thing” when it’s not expected is a printed card with a few well chosen words written within, just like the ones you can send with SendOutCards. And if it was a big favour, or you want to impress your gratitude, add a gift, like some of the most delicious brownies you have ever tasted.

Ron and Sue

Gratitude in Business

Gratitude is an essential to a happy life and especially in your business life. The more you can let your customers know how much you appreciate them and their doing business with you, the more likely they are to continue that relationship and the better you will feel.

But it doesn’t have to be over the top. More often than not a simple “Thankyou” card sent in the mail is a most effective and inexpensive way of expressing your appreciation. As more than 60% of business operators foolishly deem this as an unnecessary expense and waste of time, it allows you to make a real impact with your customers and set yourself apart from them.

Gratitude Card

The other day I was offered an all expenses paid day of golf including lunch and dinner afterwards at one of the leading clubs, as a “thankyou” for some services I had provided. I diplomatically declined and yet I still had the impression I had caused offence. You see this fellow was really appreciative, but he never did inquire if I liked or played golf. I am one of those who believe a game of golf is a good walk spoiled. No offence to those of you who love the game. 

This is not about golf; it’s about making sure your gift is appropriate to the recipient and not over the top for the service provided. In this case, a card, sincerely expressing his thanks and maybe a small gift would have done a whole lot more than trying to impress me with excess and grandeur.

Naturally if you just won a million dollar account, you may want to do more than send a note or a “Thankyou Card”, but I would still start out with this, because well chosen words expressing sincere gratitude, put down in writing, stay with people for a long time!

Gratitude card


Ron and Sue